Skill Set

(LAMP Stack, Java, Android, iOS)

Backend Development:


  1. MySQL
  2. Postgres
  3. Oracle
  4. MongoDB

Application Engine

  1. Core PHP Stack with CI
  2. Laravel
  3. Majento
  4. WordPress, Joomla
  5. Core Java
  6. Java Spring & Java Hibernate

Application Server

  1. Apache
  2. nGinx
  3. NPM

Frontend Development:

  1. Android Native
  2. iOS Native
  3. Hybrid APP like IONIC
  4. ReACT Native, ReACT JS
  5. AngularJS
  6. ExpressJS
  7. HTML5, CSS

Cloud Management:

  1. AWS
  2. Digital Ocean
  3. Cloud Monitoring
  4. Cloud Migration

OS Stack:

  2. Red HAT

Sample Projects

Projects Undertaken:

a. Open Source Cloud Based ERP Development - End to End Development of Cloud Based Process Oriented ERP Systems primarily on Open Source State of the Art Stacks

b. Digital Transformation & Migration using Cloud Based Solutions - AWS / Azure / Digital Ocean / Private Cloud Projects including Monitoring, Migration & Maintenance

c. Website Design & Development

  • a. Informational Portal with CMS
  • b. Portal with Application Engine
  • c. Communicational Portal with several layers of Communications
  • d. SEO

d. APP Design & Development

  • 1. Android Native
  • 2. iOS Native
  • 3. HyBrid APP - with iONIC, Angular JS, ReACT JS, ReACT Native, Express JS etc

e. Application Software Development - Application Software for any Industry specially for BFSI, Healthcare & Education

Capability Profile

Sample Projects Undertaken:
A) Digital Selling Platform for Insurance:

An Online ERP for Insurance intermediary in India - developed starting from Customer side, suggestive search engine from online market forum for getting it connected to existing Insurance Companies, including Payment Gateway Integration.

B) ERP for Micro SMEs:

An Online ERP for Micro SMEs is developed covering Customer side, Client Management, Attendance Management and Payment Management including Payment Gateway Integration.

C) ERP For Education Institutions:

An Online ERP along with an APP for Schools with login for Parents, Teachers & Students, which also comes with a management dashboard in the school version.

D) ERP for Agriculture Governance:

With an aim to empower farmers with the knowledge of government recommended package of practices, success stories, latest innovations and 24/7 crop protection solutions on the field.

E) m-Commerce Solution for Farmers & Rural Sector:

2 separate m-Commerce Solutions, one for Buying Agriculture Inputs and Selling Farmer Produce and another for Managing the Lifestyle Product Requirement at Rural Sector.

F) Digitization of Soil Health:

This is an Overall Solution for Agri governance for geotagged digital soil health database creation and aggregation for decision support system.

G) Self-Governed Food Safety Assurance and Self-Assessed Index Program:
This is a pureplay Web Portal developed in CI with Core PHP and with mySQL DB. This project is for a department of Government of India, where a new initiative has been taken to create an index for Responsible Food Product Manufacturing.